Healthy Tips


Skin care Tips

Always remove your makeup before going to bed.

Avoid hot showers as it rips your skin of natural oils and results in rashes and dryness of skin.

Use sunscreen adequately once in 2-3 hours, particularly 20 mins before going out in sun.

Gift yourself at least 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.

Cut down your sugar intake, sugar molecules can stiffen collagen causing wrinkles on your skin.

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 2-3 liters of water in a day.

Keep yourself physically active by involving yourself in some sport.

Hair care Tips

Wash your hair frequently (every alternate day).

Avoid excessive use of harsh chemicals or heat on your hair.

Stress can trigger hair fall, keep stress at a bay.

Don’t shampoo without following it with a conditioner.

Shampoo your hair every alternate day. If you have dry hair, ensure a hot oil massage half an hour before shampooing.

Do not use a hair dryer to dry your half wet hair. If you urgently need to style them, then towel dry your hair.

Avoid sharing your brushes and combs. Wash them with soapy water.